New Features and Changes in Version 1.5.2
- Added photos to video converter. Video can be created from a directory of photos.
- Added a menu item to blend two photos with alpha and corner position options in 'Math Operations'.
- Added a menu item Make a Copy...
- Now, when a photo is rotated, the original photo will be updated on the disk.
- Fixed gif reading bug.
- Added Check for Update to get updated with the latest release.
- Other minor fixes, changes, and improvements.
New Features and Changes in Version 1.5.1
- Added photos to video converter. Video can be created from a directory of photos.
- Added a menu item Make a Copy...
- Now, when a photo is rotated, the original photo will be updated on the disk.
- Fixed gif reading bug.
- Other minor fixes, changes, and improvements.
New Features and Changes in Version 1.5.0
- Added 'Convert To' menu actions to convert the current image to grayscale, rgb or rgba.
- License changes to free for both private and commercial use.
- Minor other fixes and changes.
New Features and Changes in Version 1.4.9
- Fixed a bug in batch resize.
- Fixed a bug in batch invert.
- Fixed a bug in batch adjustments.
- Fixed invert for 4-channel image.
- Fixed auto enhanced for 4-channel image.
- Fixed saturation, vibration, hue, sepia, posterize filters for 4-channel image.
- Added RGB info on mouse move.
- Added math operations such as add, subtract, multiply, and divide.
- Added guassian, median, and bilateral denoise menu actions.
- Added a menu action to normalize [0~255] the image.
- Added a menu action to sharpen the image.
- Minor other fixes, improvements, and changes.