New features and changes in v2.0.1:

  1. Fixed continuous update rate for 3D views. Now by default, the view will update by the rate of 10 fps.
  2. Fixed startup and improved startup speed.
  3. Fixed 3D view background module.
  4. Fixed copy and paste mesh. Texture was not copied and applied to the new copied mesh.
  5. Fixed theme module and added three new color themes.
  6. Added new and improved updater to get latest updates.
  7. Fixed and improvement in overall GUI.
  8. Minor other fixes and changes.

New features and changes in v1.3.4:

  1. Fixed HDPI bug and supports HDPI displays.
  2. Fixes in remesh algorithm, the bug occurs when a mesh has colors attribute.
  3. Minor GUI fixes and changes.

New features and changes in v1.3.3:

  1. Fixed sky box loading.
  2. Minor GUI fixes and changes.

New features and changes in v1.3.2:

  1. Fixed reloading of meshes with incremental names.
  2. Fixed save mesh file without extension.
  3. Many bug fixes and improvements.
  4. Minor GUI fixes and changes.

New features and changes in v1.3.1:

  1. Improved ICP registration algorithms for rigid and non-rigid.
  2. Added support of 2D xy file format. A 2D curve/line can now be visualized.
  3. Many bug fixes and improvements.
  4. Minor GUI fixes and changes.

New features and changes in v1.2.9:

  1. Added ICP registration algorithm for both pointclouds and meshes.
  2. Added Coherent Point Drift registration algorithms for both pointclouds and meshes.
  3. Added an algorithm to weld nearby vertices of the meshes. Dense triangular area in the mesh can be refined using thia algorithm.
  4. Fixed a bug in Fine registrtion that causes crash when try to perform fine registration on pointclouds.
  5. Bugs fixes in 2D texturing.
  6. Minor GUI fixes and changes.

New features and changes in v1.2.8:

  1. Major improvements in camera module.
  2. Live camera can be view as a background of active 3D-View (for AR apps).
  3. You can now hide the live camera bottom right 2D-View.
  4. Bug fixes in showing GUI dialogs.
  5. Bugs fixes 2D texturing.
  6. Bugs fixes 3D-View background module.
  7. Minor GUI fixes and changes.

New features and changes in v1.2.7:

  1. Fixes in camera module and major improvements.
  2. Minor fixes in GUI.
  3. Improvements in 3D rendering pipeline.

New features and changes in v1.2.6:

  1. Fixed missing dll for Windows 7.
  2. Some improvements, changes, and fixes.

New features and changes in v1.2.5.1:

  1. Added phong shader to shader module
  2. Some improvements, changes, and fixes in shader module

New features and changes in v1.2.5:

  1. Added sorting methods for alpha blending to fvkMeshList
  2. Added shader support to latest GLSL version 330/460
  3. Added a new shader with latest OpenGL support to shader module
  4. Added reload option in shader module to load quick changes in shader files
  5. Fixed floor/grid initial position
  6. Fixed mesh shadow intial position
  7. Fixed shadow rendering when shader program is active
  8. Add countineous update rate dialog. Now users will have option to set the update rate in fps.
  9. Added clear colors in colorize module
  10. Added delete texture option in mesh texturing
  11. Many other improvements and fixes.

New features and changes in v1.2.4:

  1. Fixed material properties in copying pasting
  2. Fixed a bug in assigning mesh properties in copying pasting
  3. Fixed bug in exporting PTS file format
  4. Minor other fixes and improvements

New features and changes in v1.2.3:

  1. Added a VAO to render meshes and pointer clouds
  2. Several fixes in buffer object and shaders
  3. Many improvement in term of speed, accuracy, and robustness
  4. Added new graphics shaders to shader module
  5. Minor other fixes in layouts
  6. Minor changes in GUI

New features and changes in v1.2.2:

  1. Fixed a bug in string formating
  2. Fixed a bug in mesh decimation
  3. Minor other fixes in layouts
  4. Minor changes in GUI

New features and changes in v1.2.1:

  1. Added many mesh filters
  2. Added cube map to the scene background
  3. Added clipping/cropping plane widget
  4. Added shadders
  5. Fixes in mesh filtering algorithms
  6. Fixes the memory drain issue in 32-bit version
  7. Fixes in screenshot capturing
  8. Fixes in mesh export
  9. Fixes in background color widget
  10. Bug fixed in screen refreshing
  11. Many fixes in layouts
  12. Major changes in GUI