Real3d Scanner V2 » 3D Rendering
Rendering of 3D model with different features has always been interesting work to me. Therefore, I have been liking to do research on stuff like this. I have added various algorithms, which can be used in mesh smoothing, subdivision, and texturing, etc. I have also plane to add many other algorithms in future like hole filling, feature detection, etc.
Import and Export of 3D Geometry File Formats
Real3d Scanner V2 is an ideal tool for visualization of 3D geometry models. It supports more than 55 well-known 3D geometry file formats.
Stanford Polygon Format PLY, 3D-Studio 3DS, Stereolithography (ASCII and binary) STL, Wavefront OBJ (Tri and Quad), Geomview OFF, COFF, LiveGraphics3D M, Point Cloud XYZ, XML encoding X3D (triangle primitive only), Visualisation Toolkit ASCII VTK, GNU Triangulated Mesh GTS, ASCII triplets pointcloud ASC, Scanned PointCloud PTS, JavaScript JSON, IDTF, Inventor 3D Graphics IV, DXF, COLLADA DAE (triangle primitive only), PMesh, OpenCTM Compression Format CTM, LightWave Object LWO, DirectX X, Renderware ASCII RWX, (CAD) XGL, AMF Additive Manufacturing File
Format AMF, VRML v1.0, VRML v2.0 (VRML97) WRL and more...
Sectioning in Real3d Scanner V2
It creates quality snapshots for illustrations by applying section planes. 6-axis sectioning planes can be adjusted in different orientations according to requirements.
Pick & Delete Feature
P&D feature can be used for cleaning process on 3D point cloud or surface mesh. User will be able to perform cleaning on undesired, useless, or noisy points/triangles.
Mesh Smoothing/Fairing
Well, mesh refinement is an important feature of the developed 3D scanning system. After exporting the scanned triangular model, we need to refine it for making smooth triangular mesh. Several algorithms are added in this module such as Fujiwara'95, Mesh Median Filter (Yagou'2002), G.Taubin'2000, and Laplacian J.Vollmer'99, etc. Feature preserved based Balyaev’2003 algorithm is also included for mesh fairing.
Polygon Reduction
Polygon reduction algorithm reduces the number of polygons, but the model looks reasonably similar to the original. The idea of this algorithm is quite simple but its really complicated to code it. I lost my mind sometimes during coding. Well, I enjoy complications.
Several kinds of mesh subdivisions can be performed using this module. Among all, Sqrt3 gives best results with a lesser number of triangles.
The scanned model can be textured as well. UV coordinates are generated internally for this purpose. Texture can be applied on the flat surface or on the curved model; both kinds of uv’s are supported. If we want to project an image like a projector, a function is also created for this purpose.
Model Reduction
An algorithm is added in which we can separate the desired area of surfel from the original model by creating two cutting planes. For example, we can separate one tooth from the human jaw by creating two cutting planes, which define the boundary (i.e., depth and width) of a separate tooth.