Academic Materials
Description Title Presentation Total Downloads
PhD Dissertation Analysis of 3D Shape Measurement for Fringe Projection Profilometry based Intraoral Scanner (8.9 MB) PPT (40.0 MB)
MS Thesis Virtual Dental Treatment Training System using a Haptic Device (2.44 MB) PPT (3.34 MB)
Research Interests
  • 3D Computer Vision - 3D Scanning/Reconstruction, Structured-Light Technology, Stereo-Vision, Image Processing
  • Computer Graphics - 3D Rendering Engines, Visualization Toolkits, 3D Applications
  • 3D Imaging - Medical Images, Statistical Shape and Appearance Modeling, 3D Image Analysis and Processing, Xray/MR/CT Reconstruction
  • Intraoral 3D Scanning - Real-time 3D Measurement Systems
  • Computational Geometry, Geometric Modeling and Processing, Physics Based Modeling, Mesh and Pointcloud Processing
  • Dynamic Musculoskeletal Modeling, MoCap, Robotic Kinematics
  • Virtual Reality, Haptic Rendering, Phantom Omni and Premium 6DOF
  • Work Experience
  • 2020–current: Senior R&D Engineer, Synopsys, UK
  • Responsibilities: R & D, Software development and engineering

  • 2018–2020: Senior Lead Software Engineer / Technical Manager, XRAY-LAB GmbH, Germany
  • Responsibilities: Team lead, Projects handling, R & D, Software development and engineering

  • 2017–2018: Postdoctoral Fellow, Dhofar University, Oman.
  • Department: Computer Science (CS)
  • Project: Intelligent Monitoring Systems (IMS)

  • 2016–2017: Assistant Professor, University of Central Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan.
  • Department: Computer Science (CS)
  • Courses: Computer Graphics (BS), Object Oriented Paradigm (BS), Visual Computing (MS)

  • 2015–2016: Postdoctoral Scholar, Univ. of California, Berkeley, USA.
  • Department: Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences (EECS)
  • Supervisor: Prof. Ruzena Bajcsy

  • 2014–2015: Vision Team Manager/Head, Daemyung TS Co., Ltd., Ulsan, S. Korea. (Hyundai Motors)
  • Responsibilities: Development of 2D-3D vision inspection systems, development of Micro-scale 3D scanning systems

  • 2013–2014: Software Engineer, Orapix Co. Ltd, Seoul, S. Korea.
  • Responsibilities: Development of 3D scanning systems including software and hardware, development of dentistry applications

  • 2011–2014: Lab Instructor, Intelligent Manufacturing Lab, Myongji University, South Korea.
  • Responsibilities: 3D Computer Vision, Computer Graphics

  • 2009–2010: CAD/CAM/CAE Engineer, Marriala Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Lahore, Pakistan.
  • Responsibilities: Software development, 3D scanning, CAD/CAM softwares and simulations, RP manufacturing
  • Honors & Awards
  • Jan 2014 Nomination in the 2013 Young Scientist Award.
  • Feb 2014 Received the “Best Thesis Award” at Myongji University.
  • Dec 2013 Received the “Bronze Paper Award” at the IEEE Seoul Section Student Paper Contest 2013.
  • Aug 2013 Received the “Best Journal Paper of 2012” Award by Transactions of the Society of CAD/CAM Engineers.
  • Feb 2013 Received the “Best Paper Award” at the Society of CAD/CAM Engineers Conference 2013.
  • Dec 2012 Received the “Bronze Paper Award” at the IEEE Seoul Section Student Paper Contest 2012.
  • Aug 2012 Received the “Best Paper Award” at the Society of CAD/CAM Engineers Conference 2012.
  • May 2012 Received the “Best Paper Award” at the 2012 International Conf. on Info. Sci. & App. (ICISA).
  • 2007-2009 Pakistan Govt. HEC Scholarship Award for MS from Myongji Univ. South Korea.
  • 2002-2006 Secured various extra-curricular awards.
  • 2005-2006 President of the Engineering Society.
  • 2005-2006 Received “Student of the Year 2005 Award” awarded by Vice-Chancellor.
  • 2000-2002 Academic Award (Secured 1st Position in both College Academic Sessions).
  • Developed Softwares
  • Real3d VolViCon (an advanced 3D image analysis and visualization software)
  • Real3d Renderer (an advanced mesh and points processing system)
  • Real3d Scanner V3 (a structure-light based 3D scanning system that uses a single camera and a video projector to scan an object)
  • Real3d Scanner (an extensible mesh processing system with a real-time structure-light 3D scanning system) - world's 1st low cost 3D scanner
  • Real3d Web Viewer (a standalone web application that provides powerful yet useful rendering features for volume and surface data visualization)
  • Real3d Photo Viewer (an application to view and edit images (alternative to Windows Photo Viewer)
  • Real3d Cam Viewer (an application to view and record camera/video devices (alternative to Windows Camera)
  • The Fast Visualization Kit (a software package for 3D computer graphics, image processing, and visualization)
  • FL-Essentials (a FLTK based software system which provides extreme easiness in building (responsive) GUI applications and gives parallel processing support in handling images)
  • Real-Time Virtual 3D Scanner (a perfect simulator to analyze and perform structured-light 3D scanning) - world's 1st virtual 3D scanner
  • 3D Intraoral Scanning System (optical 3D scanner for dentistry / 3D reconstruction of human jaws)
  • Volume Viewer & Simulator (visualization/rendering of medical images, 3D reconstruction, processing, and analyzing)
  • Musculoskeletal Modeling & Motion Capture Viewer (amc and bvh file formats)
  • Virtual Dental Treatment Simulator (simulator to perform dental treatment operations using haptics)
  • CNC Simulator (highly similar to the real-world wood cutting machining center)
  • Programming Languages, Libraries, and Experience

    C/C++ (15 yrs)

    OpenGL (13 yrs) OpenCV (13 yrs) OpenHaptics (5 yrs)

    VTK, ITK (15 yrs)

    PCL (8 yrs) FLTK, Qt, Win32 (15 yrs) OpenAL (2 yrs)


    Cuda 3D CAD/CAM/CAE (5 yrs) PHP/HTML5/CSS/Javascript/XML/Pyhton

    Computer Vision (13 yrs experience), 3D Scanning (8 yrs experience), Computer Graphics (13 yrs experience), Computer Programming (15 yrs experience)

    Author of several mesh, point cloud, and image processing algorithms such as filtering, cleaning, smoothing, fairing, subdivision, decimation, triangulation, registration, reconstruction, phase wrapping and unwrapping, and image filtering, etc.

    Research Projects
  • 2017–current --- Intelligent Monitoring Systems for Cooperating Objects using 6LowPAN (6-IMS).
  • 2015–2016 --- Dynamic musculoskeletal modeling for potential clinical applications such as non-invasive assessment of joint function (collaboration with UC Davis, UCSF, and Stanford).
  • 2014–current --- 3D vision projects with US and UK based startups.
  • 2010–2014 --- Development of the Digital Fusion Artificial Tooth Treatment Supporting System under Grant of the Strategic Technology Development Project on Biomedical Supplier (3D Intraoral Scanner).
  • 2010–2013 --- High tech Urban Development Program funded by Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs of Korean government (Development of a Rafter Processing CNC Machine).
  • 2007–2009 --- Development of Virtual Dental Treatment Training System using Haptic Interface.
  • Engineering Softwares
  • MasterCAM X (CNC), Pro-Engineer, ANSYS, SolidWorks, Solid Edge, Catia, ESI ProCAST, Simufact, Altair HaperWorks, Magics, Matrix 6.0, CIMCO, MATLAB, AutoCAD
  • Expertise
  • Structured-light fringe projection based 3D shape measurement systems
  • Research and development of 3D laser scanning systems
  • Some knowledge of confocal technology which is being used for 3D dental scanning and micro-scale 3D reconstruction
  • 3D computer vision for optics based hardware and software
  • 3D intraoral scanning for dentistry
  • Machine vision for 3D inspection systems
  • 3D graphics for both mesh and volume rendering engines
  • 2D and 3D image processing include medical DICOM images
  • Virtual reality for physics based 3D simulations
  • Haptic display for realistic sense of touch
  • Dynamic musculoskeletal modeling and motion capturing
  • Robotic Kinematics
  • Intelligent monitoring systems
  • GUI based software development with latest tools and methods
  • Computer programming and languages

  • Knowledge and skills (but not limited to…)
  • Optics and optical systems — knowledge of camera and projector based systems
  • 3D scanning/reconstruction — 3D vision, 2D image processing, synchronization, retrieval, geometric modeling and processing, calibration, 3D registration, merging, smoothing, filtering, texturing, rendering and visualization, phase-shifting methodology
  • Laser scanning — knowledge of dental and industrial laser scanners
  • Confocal optics — knowledge of dental scanning and micro-scale reconstruction
  • Machine vision — knowledge of industrial 2D-3D inspection systems
  • 3D graphics and tools — visualization and rendering, mesh and volume rendering engines, real-time 3D applications, computational geometry, geometric modeling and processing, author of many mesh and image processing algorithms such as filtering, cleaning, smoothing, fairing, subdivision, decimation, triangulation, registration, reconstruction, phase wrapping and unwrapping, and image filtering, etc.
  • Skills of C/C++/OOP, OpenGL, OpenCV, OpenHaptics, OpenAL, VTK, ITK, FLTK, Qt, Win32, etc.
  • Experience of tens of 3D programming libraries
  • Image processing — image analysis, 3D information retrieval from 2D images, 3D volume and mesh rendering from medical images such as CT scan DICOM format
  • Algorithms — design, development, analysis of 2D, 3D, geometry algorithms
  • Virtual and haptic realities — development of various kind of simulators
  • Musculoskeletal modeling — development of a dynamic human skeleton modeling platform for static, dynamic and kinematic scenarios
  • Kinematics — analysis of human skeleton kinematics and motion capturing
  • Software development — design, develop and modify GUI based software systems using scientific analysis and mathematical models
  • Journal Publications
    1. Bergiers, S., Henckel, J., Hothi, H., Di Laura, A., Goddard, C., Raymont, D., Furqan Ullah, Cotton, R., Bryan, R., Hart, A., “Statistical Shape Modelling the In Vivo Location of Acetabular Wear in Retrieved Hip Implants,” Bioengineering 2023, vol. 10, no. 46, Dec 29, 2022. [IF: 5.046]
    2. Furqan Ullah, Sajjad M., Furqan A., and Irfan U., “A low-cost three-dimensional reconstruction and monitoring system using digital fringe projection,” Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering, vol. 0, no. 0, Sep 3, 2020. [IF: 1.450]
    3. Irfan U., Furqan Ullah, Qurban U., Seoyong S., “Integrated Tracking and Accident Avoidance System for Mobile Robots,” International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems, vol. 11, no. 6, 2013. [IF: 1.065]
    4. Furqan Ullah, Lee, G. S., Park, K., “Collimating Illumination and Piezoelectric Transducer based 3D Intraoral Scanner,” International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, vol. 14, no. 4, pp 567-576, 2012. [IF: 1.500] PDF (1079 KB)
    5. Furqan Ullah, Park, K., “Development of a Surface-based Virtual Dental Sculpting Simulator with Multimodal Feedback,” International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, vol. 14, no. 4, pp 577-587, 2012. [IF: 1.500] PDF (2479 KB)
    6. Furqan Ullah, Lee, G. S., Park, K., “Analysis and Performance Comparison of 3D Measurement Systems based on Fringe Projection Profilometry,” Telecommunication Systems, vol. 0, no. 0, pp. 0-0, 2012. [IF: 1.163] (Accepted)
    7. Hong S., Furqan Ullah, Lee, G. S., Park, K., “Development of Rafter Processing Machine and Simulation Verification,Transactions of the Society of CAD/CAM Engineers, vol. 18, no. 2, pp.148-154, 2013.
    8. Furqan Ullah, Lee, G. S., Park, K., “Development of a Real-time 3D Intraoral Scanner based on Fringe-Projection Technique,Transactions of the Society of CAD/CAM Engineers, vol. 17, no. 3, pp.156-163, 2012. PDF (3.55 MB) (Selected as the "Best Journal Paper of 2012 Award")
    9. Irfan U., Furqan Ullah, Qurban U., and Seoyong S., “Object Following Fuzzy Controller for a Mobile Robot,Journal of Computational Intelligence and Electronic Systems, vol. 1, no. 1. pp. 86-90, 2012.
    10. Irfan U., Qurban U., Furqan Ullah, and Seoyong S., “Sensor-based Autonomous Robot Navigation with Distance Control,Journal of Computational Intelligence and Electronic Systems, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 161-168, 2012.
    11. Irfan U., Furqan Ullah, Qurban U., and Seoyong S., “Sensor-Based Robotic Model for Vehicle Accident Avoidance,Journal of Computational Intelligence and Electronic Systems, vol. 1, no. 1. pp. 57-62, 2012.
    12. Furqan Ullah, Park, K., “Surface-Based Virtual Dental Surgical Simulator using Haptic Display,” Computer-Aided Design and Applications, vol. 8, no. 6, pp.841-848, 2011. doi: 10.3722/cadaps.2011.841-848 PDF (1534 KB) [IF: 0.560]
    Conference Publications
    1. Furqan Ullah, Hong, S., Lee, G. S., Park, K.," A Novel CNC Machine for Processing Curved Rafters,” Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE Seoul Section, pp.16, 14th Dec 2013. (Selected as the "Bronze Paper Award")
    2. Furqan Ullah; Park, K., , " Digital Fringe Projection based Real-time 3D Shape Measurement System,” Proceedings of the Society of CAD/CAM Engineers Conference 2013, pp.31-36, Feb 2013. (Selected as the "Best Paper Award")
    3. Sungmin Hong; Furqan Ullah; Gun Soo Lee; Park, K., , " Matching the Rafter CAD Model with Timber for Measuring Processability of Curved Rafters,” Proceedings of the Society of CAD/CAM Engineers Conference 2013, pp.495-500, Feb 2013.
    4. Furqan Ullah; Gun Soo Lee; Sungmin Hong; Kang Park," A Novel 3D Intraoral Scanner for Dentistry,” Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE Seoul Section, pp.40, 1st Dec 2012. (Selected as the "Bronze Paper Award")
    5. Irfan, U., Qurban, U., Furqan Ullah, " Integrated Collision Avoidance and Tracking System for Mobile Robot,” Proceedings of 2012 International Conference on Robotics and Artificial Intelligence (ICRAI), pp.68-74, Rawalpindi, Pakistan, Oct 20-23, 2012.
    6. Irfan, U., Qurban, U., Furqan Ullah, Shin, S., " Mobile Robot Navigation with Distance Control,” Proceedings of 2012 International Conference on Robotics and Artificial Intelligence (ICRAI), pp.68-74, Rawalpindi, Pakistan, Oct 20-23, 2012.
    7. Sungmin Hong; Park, K., Furqan Ullah; Gun Soo Lee; ," Development of Rafter Processing Machine and Simulation Verification,” Proceedings of the Korean Society of CAD/CAM Engineers Conference 2012, pp.225-230, 22-24 Aug 2012. (Selected as the "Best Paper Award")
    8. Furqan Ullah; Sungmin Hong; Woosung Park; Park, K., , “ Design of a 3D Laser Scanning System based Rafter Processing CNC Machine,” 2012 Design Engineering Workshop (DEWS), pp. 160-165, 25-26 June 2012.
    9. Furqan Ullah; Sungmin Hong; Park, K., , “Development of Rafter Processing Machine for Korean Traditional Houses,2012 IEEE 16th International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems (INES), pp.229-234, 13-15 June 2012. PDF (3.42 MB)
    10. Furqan Ullah; Gun Soo Lee; Park, K., , “Analysis and Performance Comparison of 3D Measurement Systems based on Fringe Projection Profilometry,” 2012 International Conference on Information Science and Applications (ICISA), pp. 62-67, 23-25 May 2012. PDF (694 KB)(Selected as the "Best Paper Award")
    11. Furqan Ullah; Park, K., , “Visual, Haptic, and Auditory Realities based Dental Training Simulator,” 2012 International Conference on Information Science and Applications (ICISA), pp.106-111, 23-25 May 2012. PDF (979 KB)
    12. Furqan Ullah; Gun Soo Lee; Park, K., , “Piezoelectric Transducer based 3D Intraoral Scanner,2012 International Conference on Information Science and Applications (ICISA), pp. 118-123, 23-25 May 2012. PDF (1072 KB)
    13. Furqan Ullah; Park, K., , “ Model Analysis of fringe-projection-based 3D Measurement Systems using Real-time 3D Virtual Scanner,Proceedings of the Society of CAD/CAM Conference Engineers 2012, pp. 252-257, 1-3 Feb 2012.
    14. Furqan Ullah; Gun Soo Lee; Park, K., , “ Development of a Real-time 3D Intraoral Scanner based on Fringe-Projection Technique,Proceedings of the Society of CAD/CAM Engineers Conference 2012, pp. 260-265, 1-3 Feb 2012. (Selected as the "Best Paper Award")
    15. Furqan Ullah; Park, K., , “ Surface-based Virtual Dental Sculpting Simulation with Multimodal Feedback,” Asian Conference on Design and Digital Engineering Conference 2011, pp. 548-555, 2011, Shanghai, China.
    16. Furqan Ullah; Park, K., , “ Calibration of a 3-D Camera-Laser Scanning System using a Virtual Setup,” Proceedings of the Society for Precision Engineering Conference 2011, pp.539-540, 26-28 Oct 2011. PDF (333 KB)
    17. Ullah, I.; Furqan Ullah; Ullah, Q.; , “A Sensor based Robotic Model for Vehicle Collision Reduction,” 2011 International Conference on Computer Networks and Information Technology (ICCNIT), pp.251-255, 11-13 July 2011. doi: 10.1109/ICCNIT.2011.6020938. PDF (826 KB)
    18. Ullah, I.; Furqan Ullah; Ullah, Q.; , “Real-time object following fuzzy controller for a mobile robot,” 2011 International Conference on Computer Networks and Information Technology (ICCNIT), pp.241-244, 11-13 July 2011. doi: 10.1109/ICCNIT.2011.6020936. PDF (1011 KB)
    19. Furqan Ullah; Park, K., ," Virtual Dental Sculpting Simulation using a Surface-based Tooth Model and a Haptic Device,” Proceedings of the Society of CAD/CAM Engineers Conference 2011, pp.838-851, 26-28 Feb 2011.
    20. Irfan Ullah, Furqan Ullah; Park, K., , “ Sensor Based Robotic Navigation and Distance Control,” International Conference on Intelligence and Information Technology (ICIIT 2010), vol. 2, pp. 59-63, 28-30 Oct., 2010.
    21. Furqan Ullah; Park, K., , " Virtual Dental Treatment Training System using a Haptic Device,” Proceedings of the Society of CAD/CAM Engineers Conference 2009, pp.115-121, 4-6 Feb 2009.

    Conference Presentations
    1. May 2019 --- Advances in NDT using CT, GE Workshop for NDT Primary for Automotive, Brno University of Technology, CEITEC Brno Czech Republic.
    2. Nov 2015 --- Dynamic Human Musculoskeletal Modeling. Berkeley Vision & Learning Center Fall 2015 Retreat at Sutardja Dai Hall, UC Berkeley Campus, California, US.
    3. Dec 2013 --- A Novel CNC Machine for Processing Curved Rafters. IEEE Seoul Section Student Paper Contest, Yonsei Univ., Seoul, S. Korea.
    4. Aug 2013 --- Techniques for Developing a Structured Light Technology based 3D Scanning System. KSCCE, Dongguk Univ., Seoul, S. Korea..
    5. Jan 2013 --- Digital Fringe Projection based Real-time 3D Shape Measurement System. KSCCE, Phoenix Park, S. Korea..
    6. Dec 2012 --- A Novel 3D Intraoral Scanner for Dentistry. IEEE Seoul Section Student Paper Contest, Yonsei Univ., Seoul, S. Korea.
    7. May 2012 --- Analysis and Performance Comparison of 3D Measurement Systems based on Fringe Projection Profilometry. ICISA, Suwon, S. Korea.
    8. May 2012 --- Visual, Haptic, and Auditory Realities based Dental Training Simulator. ICISA, Suwon, S. Korea.
    9. May 2012 --- Piezoelectric Transducer based 3D Intraoral Scanner. ICISA, Suwon, S. Korea.
    10. Feb 2012 --- Model Analysis of fringe-projection-based 3D Measurement Systems using Real-time 3D Virtual Scanner. KSCCE, Phoenix Park, S. Korea.
    11. Feb 2012 --- Development of a Real-time 3D Intraoral Scanner based on Fringe-Projection Technique. KSCCE, Phoenix Park, S. Korea.
    12. Oct 2011 --- Calibration of a 3-D Camera-Laser Scanning System using a Virtual Setup. KSPE, Gyeongju, S. Korea.
    13. Jun 2011 --- Surface-Based Virtual Dental Surgical Simulator using Haptic Display. CAD&A, Taipei, Taiwan.
    14. Feb 2011 --- Virtual Dental Sculpting Simulation using a Surface-based Tooth Model and a Haptic Device. KSCCE, Phoenix Park, S. Korea.
    15. Feb 2009 --- Virtual Dental Treatment Training System using a Haptic Device. KSCCE, Phoenix Park, S. Korea.

    Selected Talks
    1. Mar 2018 --- Advancements in 3D Computer Vision, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
    2. Feb 2018 --- 3D Viewer for Gigantic Point Clouds, Stuttgart, Germany.
    3. Oct 2017 --- 3D Surface Reconstruction from 2D Images at Collage of Engineering, Dhofar University, Oman.
    4. Dec 2015 --- 3D Reconstruction in Medical Images, Geisinger Health, Pennsylvania, US.
    5. Nov 2015 --- Dynamic Human Musculoskeletal Modeling. Berkeley Vision & Learning Center Fall 2015 Retreat at Sutardja Dai Hall, UC Berkeley Campus, California, US.
    6. Oct 2015 --- Musculoskeletal Modeling Framework using MoCap Mapping. Computer Vision Symposium at Amazon, Seattle, Washington, US.
    7. Oct 2015 --- Development of Dynamic Human Musculoskeletal Modeling Framework. Computer Vision Symposium at A9/Amazon, Silicon Valley, California, US.
    8. Jan 2014 --- How 3D measurement systems work. Daemyung, Ulsan, South Korea.
    Business Trips
  • UK, Germany, Netherlands, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Korea, Taiwan, Oman, Qatar, USA (California, Oregon, Philadelphia, Seattle, Pennsylvania).
  • Passionate in
  • Computer Programming and Software Development (specifically in C++)
  • 3D Imaging
  • 3D Scanners (development of hardware and software)
  • 2D/3D inspection (NDT testing analysis)
  • Object detection using ML/DL